Saturday, June 4, 2011

No Permission Without "Good Cause."

Often, when a student requests permission to carry a concealed firearm on campus,  the president of the institution requires them to show good cause.  Presumably,  they want the student to show that a credible threat already exists to justify a reasonable threat of death or serious bodily harm.

On it's surface, this sounds almost reasonable.  But if you think about it,  many violent crimes occur without warning.  The threat of harm and the act of harm coincide during the same event.  The "good cause" requirement is nothing more than a farce, designed to enable the arbitrary denial of permission to carry.  Administrators already know that most people that are victimized had no prior warning that a threat existed.  It is unreasonable to ask that a student first be a victim before they can be granted permission to carry on a college campus.

The truth is that article one, section eleven of the Constitution of the State of Nevada already explains that security and defense is a good cause to bear arms.  It doesn't say "for security and defense when a credible threat exists."

The current state of Nevada law was intended to allow college and university administrators to be knowledgeable of who is carrying arms.  If these administrators used the law as it was intended granting permission to those who are qualified to carry a concealed firearm,  we would not be having this discussion.  Unfortunately, when you give someone arbitrary power, they are going to exercise that power arbitrarily.  The burden should be on the administrator to show good cause for denial, not on the student to show good cause to be granted.

I have no problem with administrators having the power to revoke a students permission who has demonstrated poor academic or behavioral discipline.  As permit holders, we have an awesome responsibility to the community.  We know that we are liable for every round that leaves our firearms.  As administrators,  and public servants, they are required to uphold the laws and constitution of this state as well as the US Constitution.  As it is right now,  they teach the constitution, but they believe they need not apply it.

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